
Oaty Cranberry Smoothie

Farmhouse Breakfast Week returns for a 13th year from 22 - 28 January 2012. Organisers HGCA are challenging breakfast skippers to Shake Up Their Wake Up and make time for breakfast. If you prefer to start the day on a cup of coffee or tea and think you couldn't face a solid breakfast then try this energy releasing smoothie instead.

Tasty Toast Topper

Save money on buying pre-made toast toppers and start creating your own so you can wake up your morning toast.

Low-fat Chicken Noodle Soup

Low-fat doesn't mean low taste. Stay in control of your calories without cutting the flavour by making your own soups.

Low-fat Leek and Potato Soup

Keeping to a low-fat diet doesn't mean giving up on taste. Making your own soups puts you back in control of how much fat and salt goes into your food and helps you to keep an eye on the calories as well.

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