
Date and Lemon Pudding

For a lot of people, dates and figs are often left in the box until all the other goodies have gone but with this recipe you can make a scrummy pudding and set those dates free.

Pumpkin Bake

For an alternative to pumpkin pie - try this savoury, tasty pumpkin bake.

Boiled Chestnuts

At this time of year we see a surge in the amount of chestnuts being offered for sale - in the supermarkets and ready roasted from a seller at the side of the road. This recipe offers an alternative to roasted chestnuts by boiling them with cloves.

Scalloped Artichokes

Jerusalem Artichoke (not to be confused with Globe Artichoke) are in season this month and make a tasty addition to any meal. Try this recipe for a tasty alternative to plain boiled vegetables.

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