The Festival of Dunes with Andy Kyriacou

The Festival of Dunes with Andy Kyriacou

Last year Andy Kyriacou, vocalist for 80's Pop band Modern Romance set off to see the Festival of Dunes in Tunisia, travelling across the country through many towns and villages along the way.

Starting out at the capital of Tunis where he checked into the Hotel Africa, before heading back to Tunis-Carthage airport for an an internal flight to Djerba.

Andy spent time studying the street art in Riad, prior to travelling through neighbouring Bazim, eventually arriving at the ferry port of Ajim, with the intention of crossing over to Mahdia - where he enjoyed a wonderful lunch at the hotel Diar El Barbar.Tunis Airport

He was then driven to the nearby Troglodytesand on to Tozeur and the El Nouradi hotel. The following day saw a conference/ press day held at the unusual Dar Hi hotel; an event to mark the opening of the Festival of Dunes.

"Wonderful local cuisine was served, and the conference gave me the opportunity to mingle and find out exactly what this event was. I soon realised that in essence, it is a massive 'rave' and light show in middle of the Sahara. Yes, a rave in the desert! I kid you not.

Next on the itinerary was La Palmeraie, a date growing area, then an extensive guided tour around the local museum.

On this whirlwind trip Andy went on to visit Nefta, the location for the Festival of Dunes. For sci-fi fans, this event is held on the original Star Wars set. Most of the set is backstage of the main event but got behind the scenes to walk through the caves and houses which formed Tatooine, the fictional town created by George Lucas for the Star Wars movie. Even more bizarre was the rain storm that followed this event.

Andy left Tunis the day after the Festival, and after breakfastat Iberostar El Mansour, in Mahdia, before continuing to an overnight stay at the wonderfully lavish Royal Hammamet, before flights brought him home.

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