
Floral Wonders in the Circle of Life Collection

Thousands of visitors come to the Moorcroft Heritage Visitor Centre in Burslem and enjoy a tour each year, seeing at first hand the diverse skills that are needed to create a piece of Moorcroft. This month we have three fabulous creations from Moorcroft for you to win...

Ten Small Steps to a Big Organic Christmas

Little choices can add up to make for a big change, so this Christmas the Soil Association has come up with ten ways for you to enjoy a festive period that is better for people, animals and the planet. The choices we make over the festive season - about what goes on our plates, the presents we buy, what we wear and what we put on our skin - have far reaching consequences for our health, the health of our countryside, and the development of countries across the world.

Phobias - What Scares You?

With World Mental Health Day on October 10th we are looking at a variety of issues which affect nearly every one of us at one time or another during our lives. The first stop - Phobias...

Orangutan Conservation

Why investing in forests is 'win - win' for communities, climate and orangutan conservation - a new UNEP report spells out some green economy benefits for Indonesia's people and biodiversit.

Energy Saving Week 2011

Save the date 24th - 28th October, as it's the fifteenth Energy Saving Week and this year the Energy Saving Trust is looking at how you can "Take back control of your energy bills". Energy Saving Week is a unique annual event led by the Energy Saving Trust and this year's theme draws on how consumers can take back control of their spiralling energy bills at home.

UNEP Pays Tribute to Professor Wangari Maathai

Professor Wangari Maathai, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, founder of Kenya's Green Belt Movement and patron of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), has died in Nairobi. She was 71 years old.

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