
Green Car of the Year

What Car? the UK's biggest car-buying brand has named the Vauxhall Ampera as its Green Car of the Year 2011. As well as winning this prestigious title it also claimed the title for the top alternative-fuel car.

Eating For A Healthy Mind

Most people are aware that a healthy diet is important to reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity and other physical health problems. Recent evidence also suggests that good nutrition may be just as important for our mental health and that a number of mental health conditions may be influenced by dietary factors.

Eat Your Way To Happiness

With days getting shorter and winter nights drawing in many people will suffer from the winter blues. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is officially recognised by doctors and psychiatrists as a medical condition.

About Time Too

Sell-by dates are to be scrapped to curb food waste... The newspapers report this week that the 'sell-by' date is to become a thing of the past and here at The Source we couldn't be happier with this more common-sense move. The amount of food being wasted every day is a crime - and all because it has passed its 'sell-by' date - with most of the waste produce still being perfectly edible and fit for use.

Size Up Your Child's BMI

As children head back to school with lunch boxes and dinner money in hand, NHS Choices, the health information website for the NHS, is calling on parents to take a proactive approach to managing their child's diet and weight. Parents can start by checking their child's body mass index (BMI) at

Give a Year's Worth of Pleasure this Christmas

With Rocket Gardens' grow your own instant garden gifts. Rocket Gardens have created a unique and delightful range of instant vegetable, herb and fruit gardens that make the perfect, long-lasting Christmas gift.

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