
Steph's Allergy Friendly Kitchen

In our continued search for 'free from' products we revisit Stephanie Palmer to get an update on what is happening with Steph’s Free From Cakes and get invitied in to Steph's Allergy Free Kitchen. We caught up with Steph's cakes at the Allergy & Free From Show at Olympia and tested some of the cakes she had on offer. Because the cakes are all free from wheat, gluten and dairy we could all sample the cakes on offer.

Brannigan's Bergerie

Do you struggle to find gluten and dairy free recipes? Are you finding it increasingly difficult to follow an egg and soy free diet? Or do you need to be 'free-from' them all? If so, then Brannigan's Bergerie may just have the answer. Australian entrepreneur Bryr (like 'brier' rose), has been living in the UK for the past seven years and has recently launched her own business, offering over 60 recipes of baked goods and sweets - with EACH and EVERY recipe completely free from gluten, wheat, yeast, dairy, eggs and soy.

Food on the Move for the Gluten Free Consumer

GF Foods (York) Ltd is pleased to announce that leading online supermarket, Ocado, will be stocking its FEEL FREE range of gluten free savoury pastry products. Leading the way in the gluten free sector, GF Foods is delighted to be working with Ocado.

'LiveGlutenFree' Goes Live

Sean Stembridge, from Tantobie, County Durham, who was diagnosed with coeliac disease in 2008, became so used to blank stares when he asked for a gluten-free dish, that he decided to set up a website to help make gluten-free living easier. Sean has now joined forces with friend and marketing whiz, Stephen Gorton from Perth, Scotland, in the complex task of developing LiveGlutenFree™.

Gluten Free Food Safety...

...At Home Or Away. Have you ever wanted to go diving in the Maldives or hiking in New Zealand but have been put off by the challenge of maintaining a gluten free diet when travelling? Or eaten a speciality recipe only to suffer the consequences later?

'Free From' Fria

In our continued search for the perfect free-from loaf we recently discovered the world of Fria - the Scandinavian market leader in gluten-free bakery products. Fria is an award-winning, family-owned bakery based in Sweden, that since it was established in 1996, has become the biggest and most successful gluten-free bakery in Scandinavia.

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