A Revolution in Skin Care for Sensitive Skin

A Revolution in Skin Care for Sensitive Skin

As our clothing and textiles in general are in contact with our skin on a daily basis there is no doubt that this can have an adverse effect on chronic skin conditions.

But now the Skintoskin® clothing range brings you an exciting and new way to treat some of the most chronic skin conditions - by simply getting dressed.

Skintoskin® have looked at how treatments for skin conditions are delivered or applied to the sufferer and found most treatment options tend to be through emollients, creams, corticosteroids, plus many more.

Unfortunately, after applying these creams to the skin they tend to wear away or be removed by the clothes we wear as we go about our busy day to day lives and routines.

If our clothing, the very thing we all have in direct contact with our skin on a daily basis could deliver therapeutic effects, it would allow that effect to be in place for a far greater time with great ease in our daily lives.Skintoskin Family

From this the concept of Bio-functional clothing was born... and three main elements were incorporated into Skintoskin® clothing.

Cotton was chosen as the basis for Skintoskin® as it is generally regarded as being one of the most tolerable fabrics when placed next to eczematous skin.

Cotton is readily available; it is durable, renewable, natural and widely accepted. Cotton is also suited due to its structure to modern manufacturing techniques.

Seaweed or seaweed extract is already widely used in health organisations like our own NHS. The natural anti-inflammatory effects are well documented. Dressings and creams containing seaweed extract have given excellent results when used on burns victims for example giving good irritation relief and assisting in the healing process.

It seemed a natural choice then to incorporate seaweed into Skintoskin® clothing. The seaweed extract used in Skintoskin® is derived from Aschophyluum Nodosum seaweed a widely used natural medical product.

Finally silver is the third material incorporated into Skintoskin® clothing. Bacterial infection is a serious problem with a condition like eczema, which can present with an open wound.

The irritation caused by the condition leads to an itch scratch cycle, with the sufferer causing further opening to the skin.

The infection level can be controlled by the application of antibiotic creams or oral antibiotic dosing. However, as we know, these bacteria are becoming more resistant and the courses of anti-biotic drugs required to control outbreaks are becoming longer and stronger.Skintoskin Kids

There is also the very real threat of MRSA. Although thought to be confined to medical institutions there is now positive evidence this lethal strain of the bacteria is in our livestock, food chain and environment.

Silver is a well known natural antibiotic. Even the ancient Greeks knew that if you placed silver coins in a barrel of drinking water it would stay drinkable for much longer.

Silver is fast acting and highly effective against Gram+ and Gram- bacteria, as well as for several fungal infections, especially those of the Candida strain, responsible for the so called fold dermatitis or inthertrigo.

Silver is again used widely in specialist medical dressings where the need for high sterility and resistance to infections is paramount.

Using the advanced manufacturing techniques developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Cambridge University material sciences department, a German company "Smartfiber AG" has produced a 70% cotton based yarn - containing 20% seaweed extract and 10% silver ions.

Because of the advanced methods used the combination is permanent. The silver ions and seaweed extract are part of the yarn at the molecular level and cannot be washed out.

Even after 100 machine washes, tests have shown the therapeutic effect remains at 100%.

This healing yarn is then woven into a range of garments by New Textiles of Portugal, giving us the Skintoskin® range and brand.

So what is Skintoskin®?

Skintoskin® is a cotton based range of garments that are soft but durable and comfortable to wear.

Skintoskin® is not a complete answer; we all know eczema presents different problems and the need for different methods of coping with the condition to each individual sufferer.

What Skintoskin® does is give an extremely effective new tool - which can be used in conjunction with recognised treatments if needed - to greatly reduce the misery skin conditions can cause. Skintoskin Logo

In general using Skintoskin® alone can reduce the symptoms of atopic dermatitis to a manageable level in 8 days. In some cases the eczema becomes undetectable.

Skintoskin® is designed to be underwear. It uses very limited dyes and no other chemical or adverse manufacturing techniques.

For more information visit https://uk.skintoskin.eu

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