Recent Articles - Page 350

Every Tree Matters

Planting one tree may seem but a tiny step on the road to ameliorating local climate change, but The Tree Council says that every tree matters. National Tree Week 2011 runs from the 26th November - 4th December.

The Risks of Excessive Alcohol Consumption

Most people who have alcohol-related health problems aren't alcoholics. They're simply people who have regularly drunk more than the recommended levels for some years. There's no guaranteed safe level of drinking, but if you drink below recommended daily limits, the risks of harming your health are low.

Drive Smarter

We all like to think we're good drivers. But are you smart as well? By making some simple changes to the way you drive, you could take control, reduce the fuel you use and also save money. This is called Smarter Driving.

In Season - November

November is a great month to start trying out some new recipes and look at different ways to cook with the fruits and vegetables that are still in season. Find out what is available this month.

Cranberry Spiced Porridge

A lovely warming breakfast, ideal for those cold winter starts to the day. Try out some of the great recipes available from Farmhouse Breakfast Week

Gluten Free Bread and Butter Pudding

Glazed Date and Brandy Bread and Butter Pudding With Vanilla Bean Cream by Michael McCamley, Head Chef, Venue Catering Gluten-free Chef of the Year winner.

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