
How Many People in the UK have an Eating Disorder?

There is a lack of data detailing how many people in the UK suffer from an eating disorder. Although the Department of Health provides hospital episode statistics, these only include those affected by eating disorders who are in inpatient NHS treatment. These figures therefore leave out all those who have not come forward, have not been diagnosed, are receiving private treatment, or are being treated as an outpatient or in the community.

Think Veggie This March

Have you been thinking about going vegetarian? If so, Animal Aid's nationwide initiative - Veggie Month - provides the perfect motivation. With Veggie Month running throughout March, it is the perfect time to make some lifestyle choices.

The Allen Carr Easyway

Wednesday 14th March is National No Smoking Day and marks the key time of year when we are reminded why we shouldn't smoke and the damage the habit can do, not just to smokers themselves but to passive smokers as well.

What's In Your Bra?

For decades women have tried everything to enhance or diminish their bust size. From the bullet bra to the Wonderbra - 'chicken fillets' to implants - it seems that some women will try anything to get the shape they desire - or the shape that fashion dictates. But if you don't want to resort to cosmetic surgery - what else is offer?

The History of Ecobears

The Source caught up with Ecobear creator, Yvonne Wright, to find out more about her fabulous creation. Read our interview to find out just where the Ecobears come from and how they are created.

Planet Earth eco2life

At Planet Earth they're doing everything they can to make their business - and their eco2life products - as eco friendly and naturally conscious as they can be. And they promise this…even if they can't create a perfect world single-handed, they will always be honest and open about what they can and cannot achieve.

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