
Exercising with Mobility Issues

It is a fact that people who do not exercise and spend their time sitting down all day are more likely than active people to suffer from some diseases and conditions that come with getting older. This can also be said for recovery from injury. But what if you can't move as well as you want to? How can you get active if you have limited mobility?

Keeping Active As We Age

Not many people relish the thought of getting old - or having to slow down and give up some of the hobbies and activities that have been a big part of daily life...and here at The Source - we don't think you should! Keeping physically active and continuing to exercise can help in keeping you fit and healthy as you get older - and allows you to maintain your independence for as long as possible.

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Dieting With An Intolerance

Is it possible to diet and have an intolerance - with food restrictions in place does it make it easier or harder to lose weight? While it is true that, for some, having a food intolerance can prevent gaining or maintaining a healthy weight - it is more likely that others will suffer from weight gain, even on a restricted diet.

Which Diet?

Dieting can be confusing at the best of times, but with the start of the New Year, many people feel pressured to lose weight and improve their relationship with food. With so many diets available, how do they compare?

Why Diet?

You don't have to look far to find a diet - many diets - weird, wonderful, plain and crazy. A quick search on the internet will bring you quite a few results - as will flipping through most magazines on the newsagents shelves. But with so much information available and the many different types of diet around - we ask what it means to diet?

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