
Testing for Relatives - Coeliac Disease

Do you have a relative who is diagnosed with coeliac disease? Dr Chris Steele MBE and his son, Olympic hopeful Andrew have launch a campaign to encourage all close family relatives of those diagnosed with coeliac disease to get tested for the genetic condition.

Dietitians vs Nutrition Therapists

With so many 'professional' available today - countless sources claiming to be 'experts' in their chosen profession - and daily reports on what we should and should not eat - just how do we know which ones to believe? The New Year has barely started and already the British Dietetic Association (BDA) has experienced a significant increase in calls from the media asking them to debunk various food claims - from many sources.

Reducing Salt to Prevent a Stroke

High blood pressure is the single most important risk factor for stroke and salt is the major factor that raises blood pressure - salt is therefore responsible for many of these strokes. Most of the UK population however are not aware of the link between salt and stroke and are currently eating too much salt. Stroke is a leading cause of severe adult disability and the third biggest killer in the UK...

Are All Spots The Same?

Acne is a disease of the sebaceous glands and some people are pre-disposed to suffering from it. Some people will suffer because of their hormones and for others, we may never find the cause.

The Right Bra For You

Currently, with the spotlight on the PiP breast implants, we want to highlight the fact that, even if you have not resorted to surgery, you could still be damaging your breasts and body by wearing the wrong bra. The general figures reported are that up to 80% of women are wearing the wrong size bra. Many women are still trying to fit into the same bra size that they wore as teenagers, without ever having had a proper fitting with an experienced bra-fitter.

Challenging The Myths About Acne

From a small red dot to large, pus-filled cysts, acne has many forms and is a distressing and debilitating condition that can affect your mental health - as well as cause misery and pain in your everyday life. We take a look - and challenge - some of the myths about acne that some professional seem quick to dismiss.

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