I am sure that plenty of us are more than happy to see the sun make its appearance this week, after the dreadful floods and down-pouring of rain we have had so far this summer in the UK - but spare a thought for your pets, especially your dogs, as the temperature rises and the humidity soars.
Many pet owners have seen their furry friends start to moult and grow a new thicker coat as their bodies became confused with the unusually cold and wet weather of the last few month - and now the sudden turn in conditions has left a lot of dogs sporting a slightly thicker summer coat in the middle of a mini heat wave.
It is in your dogs best interest to try to keep exercise to a minimum throughout the heat of the day - and make the most of the light early mornings and late evenings when the sun is not so high in the sky.
Some good advice and early warning signs can be found at AgilityNet and pets.webmd.com