
Scorching Barbeque Tips from LFHW

Barbequing at home, along with eating and entertaining, is the UK's number one summer home leisure activity. Two in three households own a barbecue grill and in 2010 the UK was once again Europe’s leading barbeque nation with people hosting over 120 million of them.

The 'Pets' In Your Garden

The type of garden you have will influence what kind of wildlife chooses to come and pay a visit - or even set up home... If you want to encourage more wildlife into your garden then you will need to take some simple measures and set aside an area for your 'visitors' to live, in peace and out of harms way.

Organic on a Budget

The UK Government has committed in law to cutting the country's greenhouse emissions 80% by 2050. With our industrialized food and farming system currently responsible for around 30% of UK emissions and 30% of our individual carbon footprint down to our food choices, it's clear that we need to make fundamental changes to the way we grow, source and eat our food. Only radical changes to our diets and farming systems can achieve the level of greenhouse gas cuts needed.

Gluten Free Food Safety...

...At Home Or Away. Have you ever wanted to go diving in the Maldives or hiking in New Zealand but have been put off by the challenge of maintaining a gluten free diet when travelling? Or eaten a speciality recipe only to suffer the consequences later?

Snakes Alive!

With over 15 years experience in the keeping and care of exotic animals, we caught up with Snakes Alive to find out just how much work is involved when choosing more exotic animals as family pets. Snakes Alive are an interactive reptile experience specialising in childrens' parties and educational talks - where everyone gets the chance to handle the reptiles.

A Rising Tide of Animal Cruelty

The number of people convicted of cruelty and neglect to animals rose by nearly a quarter last year, according to figures recently announced by the RSPCA. Cases revealed ahead of the charity's major fundraising push, RSPCA Week 30th May to 6th June 2012 include a dog repeatedly stabbed with a potato peeler, a dog the only survivor of a house of horror where five animals died of starvation; a blind kitten found dumped in a carrier bag and two cases involving tens of dogs kept in squalid conditions.

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