Reduce Your Allergic Potential

Reduce Your Allergic Potential

Hayfever and allergic reactions or other allergy-linked problems such as eczema, asthma, dermatitis, itchy eyes, chronic nasal congestion and catarrh are miserable, but the good news is that there are a number of substances that can reduce your allergic potential which you can either eat or supplement.

What's more, it's also possible to reduce your allergic potential so you're less likely to have these symptoms in the first place, reduce their severity if you do have them and can also help when you have an 'attack'.

The Source asked Patrick Holford for some more advice to beat the Summer Snuffles...

Vitamin C is the most important anti-allergy vitamin. It is a powerful promoter of a strong immune system, immediately calms down allergic reactions and is also anti-inflammatory.

Blood levels of vitamin C have been shown to be low both in people with treated and untreated asthma.

You can increase your vitamin C intake through food by eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, although you would have to eat an enormous amount to get up to 2g which is the daily optimum amount for most people and if you're suffering from allergic symptoms, you might want to take twice this amount on a regular basis.Patrick

Omega-3 fish oils are one of nature's best natural anti-inflammatory nutrients, with countless other benefits besides.

Although you can and should obtain these from eating oily fish, I also recommend you supplement omega-3 fish oils every day as an insurance policy. I suggest the equivalent of 1,000mg of combined EPA and DHA a day, or 7,000mg a week.

Quercetin is another bioflavonoid and is a potent antioxidant that promotes a healthy inflammatory response. One study found that of all the flavonoids, quercetin was the most effective at inhibiting histamine.

The best food sources of quercetin are red onions, apples and berries, but you'll be hard pushed to eat more than 20mg a day. So supplementing therapeutic amounts is also necessary if you're suffering with allergies.

MSM has so many benefits for allergy sufferers that it's hard to know where to start. As long as you're still suffering from any allergic symptoms, or are in pain, it's well worth supplementing MSM on a daily basis.

While therapeutic intakes go up to 6,000mg a day, I recommend you start with 1,000mg, or half this if in combination with the other anti-allergy nutrients.

?Glutamine is an essential part of any regime designed to quickly restore healthy mucous membranes and reduce allergic potential. It is also a powerful nutrient for supporting proper immune function and protecting the liver. As part of a daily anti-allergy regime take 500mg a day.

Bromelain is a collection of proteolytic (literally meaning protein breakdown) enzymes found in pineapple stems that have considerable anti-inflammatory and anti-swelling properties.

In a double-blind clinical trial, participants given 160mg of Bromelain daily experienced significant improvements in nasal drainage, swelling and restored free breathing, compared to those on dummy treatment. Take up to 300mg daily if you are having an allergic reaction or 100mg daily to reduce your allergic potential.

Anit-allergy diet?

  • Avoid mucus-forming, pro-inflammatory foods such as dairy and meat.?
  • Further reduce your allergic potential by avoiding highly allergenic foods such as wheat, gluten (rich in wheat, rye and barley) and yeast.?
  • Get tested for food allergies ( so that you know if there are any other foods you need to avoid. And sort out any digestive problems. Disruption in the gut enhances allergic potential.
  • Up your consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. Have at least 3 servings of fruit, a large mixed salad and 3 portions of vegetables daily. Choose local, organic produce. Local because there will be less depletion of antioxidant nutrients and organic to avoid pesticide residue which itself is an allergen. Eat plenty of these foods raw.?
  • Increase omega-3 fats by eating plenty of unfried, unbreaded oily fish such as anchovies, mackerel, sardines, wild or organic salmon, kippers and fresh, not tinned, tuna. Also add plenty of freshly ground linseeds and pumpkin seeds to cereals, salads and soups every day.?
  • Avoid alcohol - it's a major gut disruptor which increases your allergic potential.? Drink 2 litres of pure, filtered water a day.

Read Patrick Holford's book Hidden Food Allergies (Piatkus, £8.99) to get to the bottom of your food allergies and improve gut health.?

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