
Is Your Business Still Confused About Sorting Rubbish?

A large percentage of London's small businesses are still confused when it comes to sorting out the rubbish and recycling. Waste and management company Biffa has surveyed more than 1000 of Britain's small businesses, in an attempt to find out what they know about hazardous waste, and it's disposal.

Enlightenment and Healing at the OM Yoga Show London

Discover yourself and find out how yoga can help you battle addiction, change your lifestyle and help you to achieve the 'feel good' factor at the OM Yoga Show - Olympia London - this October. Jo De Rosa and Jessica Brookes are among the many people on hand, to share their stories and offer advice.

The Foodie Gift Set that is a Perfect Combination

Husband and wife team Jon and Gill Thompson have worked together to produce a perfect gift for foodies, from sustainable and locally sourced materials. At their home at Sytch Farm Studios, in Shropshire, the pair have created handmade rustic wooden boards and stoneware pots perfect for fans of tapas, cheese, charcuterie and sharing platters.

Have a Very Merry Nutri-Christmas with the Complete NutriFamily

Christmas in September usually has us backing away, as we don't like to start talking festive until after Halloween - but this year the Nutrifamily explosion has us jumping in our seat with excitement for the things to come. Take a look at what Christmas is bringing this year to Nutribullet lovers all over the UK! This Christmas there will be a new range of exciting additions joining the Nutribullet and completing the NutriFamily.

What's in Your Trolley? Get the Best from Your Supermarket Shop

Sometimes it is worth taking a peak into your shopping trolley and having a look around to discover what alternatives the supermarkets have to offer over your regular shop. With more small, independent producers staking their claim to space in the aisle wars, you can now find real treasures hidden among the home brands. With companies like Waitrose, introducing their Small Producer Charter, more independent products should start to appear on the shelves.

Fresh is Best for a Healthier Lifestyle

Food plays a major role in our well-being, fitness levels, moods and hormone balance. It can give us energy or zap us of the will to move, depending on what and how much we put into our systems. And every day there is a new diet to add to the millions already claiming to be the 'next quick fix' in terms of health and beauty. So what should we eat and how much?

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