Introducing Elvie - the World's First Intelligent Pelvic Floor Tracker

Introducing Elvie - the World's First Intelligent Pelvic Floor Tracker

Chiaro is a British tech start up, led by women, that aims to change the way women think and care for their bodies. Elvie, the first intelligent activity tracker for women, is Chiaro's first product. Elvie is set to change how women look after their bodies.

This month, Chiaro announced Elvie, the world's first intelligent pelvic floor exercise tracker - addressing personal health issues that can affect one in three women. The first product of its kind, Elvie uses sensors to track muscle movement during Kegel exercises and then uses Bluetooth to relay that information in real-time to a smartphone app.

"From time to time a product comes along that has the potential to solve a widespread human conundrum in an elegant and uncomplicated way. Elvie is such a product and in its purpose lies the brilliance and its appeal."

Alex Asseily, founder of wearable tech giant Jawbone, co-founder of Chiaro

His co-founder at Chiaro is Dr Tania Boler, one of the world's leading experts on public health issues affecting women, having written several books on sexual health and held senior positions in the U.N addressing issues from HIV to teenage pregnancy and sex education. Tania and her Chiaro team worked with over 100 female volunteers from across a vastly diverse range of ages, backgrounds, family types and nationalities to create Elvie, which is tailored to meet a woman's needs while being comfortable, discreet, custom-sized and easy to use.

Elvie uses a force sensor to monitor how muscles work while a woman performs a pelvic floor lift. Since many women unknowingly perform the exercise incorrectly, the device includes a a motion sensor that checks that they are doing it right. All of this information is then displayed on a smartphone, allowing women to monitor their performance in real time.

All women should perform pelvic floor exercises regularly but Elvie is particularly useful for the third of women who are affected by pelvic floor problems and for whom there are very few options available. Elvie provides a simple solution delivered with smart technology and sleek design.

"The wearable tech market is still in its infancy. The problem with most exercise trackers is that they are too passive and don't help the user improve their performance as they exercise. Elvie is different; we use data from multiple sensors to guide women with personalised feedback as they exercise."

Dr Tania Boler

Elvie features:

  • Battery life of two months
  • Induction charging when Elvie is in its case - no wires, no cords
  • Seamless design with no exposed parts
  • Bluetooth technology to synch with your smartphone

Elvie is available at

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