The Good Dog Guide - the UK's Dog Friendly Information Website

The Good Dog Guide - the UK's Dog Friendly Information Website

Owning a dog is a big responsibility - one that should not be taken lightly and one that will need future planning and research, especially when it comes to training, going out, taking holidays and making sure your pet is healthy and happy.

The Good Dog Guide is designed for you and your dogs to make sure you can get the best information available - all in one place. From dog-friendly accommodation to great places where you can take your four-legged friends and still enjoy dining out, The Good Dog Guide aims to make the planning easy with a few clicks of your mouse.

And what's more, it is updated by dog owners who have discovered new places to go and actively encourages its users to add the details to the site, with comments, pictures and even a video, for everyone to share.

The site is free to all users and they also have some great competitions featured, especially aimed at winning products and prizes that your dog will love.

Wherever you are in the UK your dog's health, holidays and happiness are just a few clicks away.

Picking Up the Poo

One of the most responsible things you can do as a dog owner is pick up your poo - well, your dog's poo to be more accurate.Dicky Bag

Aside from the obvious disgust at having to clean somebody else's dog mess from your clothes and shoes, the health dangers also need to be taken into consideration when walking away from a mess your dog has just made.

Poo bags are ideal for this job and simply disposing of the bags into one of the many marked bins available couldn't be simpler. But sometimes when you are on a long walk dog-waste bins can be few and far between, and the option of carrying a smelly bag around for long can be enough to put some owners off of picking up the poo.

Thanks to the Dicky Bag, you can now safely store your full poo bag - and the smell - away until you find an appropriate bin.

The Dicky Bag is an award winning stylish neoprene bag that's lightweight, airtight, washable and leak proof which can be attached to you or your dog and stores those nasty knotted plastic bags until you find a suitable bin. British invention, Patented design & Hand Made in Cornwall, The Dicky Bag is robust (original prototypes still going after 5 years). No more embarrassing moments, nasty niffs or disgusted looks; with The Dicky Bag poop bags are out of sight and out of mind. Dicky Bag, the civilised way to carry dog poop!

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