Recent Articles - Page 34

Win with the OM Yoga Show Manchester

Congratulations to our winner Carol Boffey(West Midlands) - and three runner up winners, Richard Dobinson - (Northumberland) - Stephanie Clark(Glasgow) - Isaac Bramble - (Warwickshire)

Ruth Hinks - A Life in Chocolate

Ruth Hinks is a chocolatier with a world class reputation in chocolate and pastry - and is an inspiration to speak too. Ruth secured a top-5 finish for the UK ahead of national Chocolate Masters from France, Belgium and Switzerland - the highest result by a UK pastry chef in an international competition.

Raw Super-Green Macaroons

Wallflower Girl (blogger and cookbook author) has teamed up with Indigo Herbs to create a healthy, vegan-friendly recipe for macaroons. Instead of caster sugar and condensed milk, these Raw Supergreen Macaroons are made with raw agave nectar, desiccated coconut and Indigo Nutrition’s Super Greens Powder.

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