Thai Prawns with I Sea Pasta

Thai Prawns with I Sea Pasta

While we were visiting the BBC Good Food Show last Friday we stopped to talk to Seamorefood and hear more about the product they were promoting, "I sea pasta".

Himanthalia is a culinary seaweed, picked straight from the rocks, and was something the Seamore family first experienced in 2013 while on a holiday together in Ibiza.

"Seamore's founder mistook seaweed for pasta, loved the experience and decided to fool the rest of the world. I sea pasta looks like tagliatelle but is 100% wild, hand picked seaweed from Connemara, Ireland. Our crowd-harvested I sea pasta is the equivalent of 500 grams fresh sea vegetables ready to be used as pasta, veggies or anything in between. It is not only great for your taste buds and health but also for the planet. Superfood? I sea pasta."

For more information visit

With so many culinary possibilities, health benefits and the plan for a sustainable food source, this product has been developed, tested and is now ready to eat. Jo Banks from Alive with Flavour made a Thai-inspired curried dish to try her I Sea Pasta.


i sea pasta

  • 80g 1 sea pasta
  • 400g of cooked tiger prawns
  • 1 tablespoon of red curry paste
  • 1.25ml coconut cream
  • 2.5ml coconut milk
  • 10 lime leaves
  • handful of Thai basil
  • salt and pepper


  1. Soak the I Sea Pasta for about 20 minutes in hot water, drain.
  2. Heat the coconut cream in a frying pan.
  3. Add the curry paste after 5 mins.
  4. Add the coconut milk, lime and basil until it boils.
  5. Let it simmer for about 10 mins.
  6. Add prawns and the curry sauce with the I Sea Pasta ready to serve.

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