Recent Articles - Page 31

Grain-free Granola from the Paleo Food Company

The Paleo Diet has become hugely fashionable over the last few years and involves going back to basics; the simple version is along the lines of eating only meat, fish, vegetables and fruit - and excluding most dairy, cereal products and processed food from the diet. So what to eat when it comes to breakfast?

Pack your Picnic with The Garden House

If you are looking for luxury picnic accessories to make your summer fun and family days out feel just that little bit more special, then pop along to The Garden House and take a virtual stroll through their growing selection.

Thai Prawns with I Sea Pasta

With so many culinary possibilities, health benefits and the plan for a sustainable food source, "I Sea Pasta" has been developed, tested and is ready to eat. Jo Banks from Alive with Flavour made a Thai-inspired curried dish to try hers.

Going Meat-Free with the Fry Family

As a Paleo eater I must admit, the thought of meat substitute food really doesn't get me excited but after a week of Fry Family Food I have to say the resulting meals were not quite what I expected.

Tear and Share Cheese Scones

The Eckley family are somewhat of a specialist in oilseed rape and have been farming in Kent for over 60 years. They select the best rapeseed crop to produce their Pure Kent Cold Pressed Rapeseed Oil. With its bright yellow colour the rapeseed oil has a light, delicate and nutty flavour and can be used instead of butter and other fats in a host of recipes.

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