
Osteopathy and Back Pain

March 2011 is National Bed Month and we will be looking at how you can work towards a better night's rest and look after your back.

What Do You Know About Body Stress Release?

If someone said that just by applying gentle pressure to various points on the body, they could help alleviate the pain of many debilitating symptoms, you might raise a doubtful eyebrow. If they went on to claim they may be able to help with everything from insomnia to the grinding of teeth, from constipation to migraines, you might be more sceptical.

Show Off Your Label for Fairtrade Fortnight

People around the UK will be asked to get loud and proud about Fairtrade during this year’s Fairtrade Fortnight, 28th February – 13th March 2010, with the theme Show Off Your Label.

Diet, Risk and Research

To mark World Cancer Day on February 4th 2011 The Source has been in touch with Cancer Reseach UK to discuss what you can do to help you decrease the risk of developing food related cancer.

The Soil Association Membership

Did you know you can become a member of the Soil Association from as little as £2 a month? Soil Association members are a vital part of their organisation and this support enables them to campaign at the highest level and carry out programmes nationwide. Join the Soil Association and help transform food culture in the UK.

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  • Phone: +44 (0) 1342 892 588
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