
Forestry Panel Cant See The Trees For The Woods

89 million non-woodland trees ignored by the Forestry Panel in their interim progress report, published on the 8th December: absence of allusion to character trees in both the terms of reference for, and the areas of expertise within, the Government’s Independent Panel on Forestry, results in a lost opportunity that could have serious repercussions for urban and field trees.

CollectPlus - An Alternative to the Post Office

CollectPlus' impressive half year results have underscored its position as a viable alternative to the Royal Mail/Post Office's parcel service. The innovative delivery and returns service has doubled its parcel volumes and is now handling over four million a year. The strong growth has been a result of powerful demand from online and multi-channel retailers for its returns and delivery services.

The Best and Worst of Hangover Cures

Splitting headaches, sickness, dizziness, dehydration: everyone who's ever drunk too much knows the consequences of it. Alcohol is a diuretic (removes fluids from the body), so drinking excessively can lead to dehydration. Dehydration is what causes many of the symptoms of a hangover.

Action Now Could Double Forests Saved

Durban, South Africa - It's possible to reduce deforestation to near zero by 2020, but delaying action to save forests by even a decade means double the area of forests lost by 2030, says WWF.

British Public Supports Funding for HIV/AIDS

A new survey shows that the majority of the British public supports government overseas funding for HIV/AIDS. Brighton, UK: A public perceptions survey conducted by Ipsos MORI and commissioned by the International HIV/AIDS Alliance has found that nearly three quarters (73%) of the British public think it is important that the UK government maintain its spending on HIV programmes overseas.

You CAN Eat Healthy Takeaways

Takeaways are often cheap, convenient and satisfying, but unfortunately they are not always very healthy. Some takeaway meals pack enough salt and fat to push you over your recommended daily allowance, which can lead to a variety of health problems, such as heart disease and diabetes. Here are some tips on foods to avoid and healthier options when ordering your favourite takeaway.

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