
Take a Step for Fairtrade Fortnight 2012

It can be a simple step ... like swapping your tea to Fairtrade. Or a bigger step ... like asking everyone in your office to do it too. You'll be joining thousands of others all over the UK when you take a step for Fairtrade.

World Cancer Day 2012

Taking place every year on 4 February World Cancer Day is the singular initiative under which the entire world can unite together in the fight against the global cancer epidemic.

Savvy Storage - Love Your Fridge

Storing food in the right way helps keep it fresh and tasty for longer and this month Love Food Hate Waste is talking all things 'fridge'. Keeping food in the right places, in the right way, means less of the food we buy gets wasted and that's good for the environment and your pocket.

Top 5 Worst Celebrity Diets

The long anticipated list of the 5 worst celebrity diets to avoid in the New Year has finally been released by the British Dietetic Association (BDA). The Christmas festivities have come and gone, the New Year's Eve party is just a blur, everyone in the office has a case of the post-Christmas blues, and this year, yes this year, you will get the body of your dreams!

A Miracle Cure?

Step right up! It's the miracle cure we've all been waiting for. It can reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke by up to 50% and lower your risk of early death by up to 30%. It's free, easy to take, has an immediate effect and you don't need a GP to get some. Its name? Exercise.

Food Intolerance Sufferers Seek Self Help...

... as GP's Struggle to Cope. With half of the population suffering, often in silence, with the debilitating effects of food intolerance, a shocking 58% of GPs also admitted that they do not feel knowledgeable enough to give their patients advice about diet and nutrition, and ways to cope with their intolerances that don't involve medication.

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