
National Allergy Week

Allergy UK runs a series of annual awareness weeks to draw attention to the plight of the allergy sufferer. These weeks highlight the issues faced by those with allergies, and are designed to get people talking about allergy at key times throughout the year.

Choosing an Exotic Pet

More unusual animals kept as pets, like snakes, terrapins, frogs and degus, are known as non-domestics or exotics. These are animals that haven't been domesticated, like traditional pets such as dogs, cats and rabbits; and for this reason, many people think of them as wild animals that are kept in captivity.

Shewee-inal Waste Management Company of the Year 2012

Ever since God created mankind and decided Adam needed that something extra to woo Eve, man has always had one small but significant advantage over the fairer sex - the ability to stand and wee. Until now… The award winning Shewee-inal is a luxury female urinal that allows women to urinate at events and festivals whilst standing up and without removing clothes when used with a Shewee.

Bowel Cancer Screening Saves Lives

With around 33,000 new cases each year, bowel cancer is England's second most common cancer and the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme can be a life-saver, as David and Jasmine discovered. The Source spoke to Jasmine, who shares their story in the hope that it will encourage people to complete the bowel screening tests that are being sent out.

Canines Compete for Top Model Crown

Crufts is not the only important canine competition this year! Mikki and are rolling-out the red carpet for this year's Britain's Next Dog Model competition. Dog owners across the UK are invited to enter their pets into Britain's Next Dog Model 2012 competition with the chance to become the advertising face of the Mikki grooming brand for the year, as well as take part in an exclusive photo-shoot with Venture Photography worth £1,000.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

April is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Awareness Month and if you have suffered from or been diagnosed with IBS you will be aware of how this "common" condition can control your life! IBS is more than a simple stomach upset or constipation.

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