World Diabetes Day Raises International Awareness

World Diabetes Day Raises International Awareness

World Diabetes Day adopts a different theme each year, and this year focusses on diabetes in children and adolescents.

Campaigners across the globe take part in the annual event - promoting diabetes education and prevention.

The prevalence of type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents is growing exponentially worldwide.

World Diabetes Day was jointly introduced by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) back in 1991.

The global diabetes awareness campaign was introduced amidst concern over an escalating diabetes epidemic, and takes place on the 14th November each year in 160 different countries.

According to the World Health Organisation, as many as 438 million people could become diabetes sufferers by 2030.

With this in mind, Lloydspharmacy has highlighted some eye-opening statistics relating to Type 2 diabetes in co-ordination with the awareness day, whilst outlining what the public can do to prevent the onset of this often devastating condition.

Presenting facts in a handy infographic, the company hopes that people will be able to access useful information in a quick and easy way, in order to take the steps needed to protect their long-term health.

Mortality rates from Diabetes have increased dramatically over recent years. We want to help educate the public about Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes in the hope that as many cases of Type 2 as possible can be avoided. There is no cure for diabetes, but awareness campaigns like World Diabetes Day really can make a difference to how prevention of Type 2 diabetes is approached.

Clare Kerr, head of Healthcare Development at Lloydspharmacy

Whilst the symptoms of Type 1 diabetes develop quickly over weeks or days, many people can have Type 2 diabetes for years without ever knowing.

Lloydspharmacy has been carrying out diabetes tests since 2003, increasing awareness of the condition and encouraging people to get themselves screened.

As a result of eight years' tireless campaigning, over 1.3 million people have been tested so far.

For further information please visit Lloydspharmacy

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Ask Your Pharmacist Week 7-13 November 2011

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