Ask Your Pharmacist

Ask Your Pharmacist

The National Pharmacy Association (NPA) has set a date for the next Ask Your Pharmacist (AYP) public awareness week - 7-13 November 2011.

AYP Week - More than Medicines is part of the NPA's ongoing work to showcase community pharmacy as an expert clinical and public health resource, as well as an effective medicines supply service.

Activities during the week will include:

  • Broadcast, print and web coverage about community pharmacy services
  • Local newspaper articles by NPA members
  • Town centre/shopping centre exhibitions across the UK
  • Talks to patient and community groups
  • Leaflet distribution in partnership with community associations
  • Pharmacy displays
  • Parliamentary communications

Evaluation of AYP Week 2010 showed a marked rise in awareness. For example, it halved the number of people who believed that no community pharmacies offered NHS stop smoking services.

Many people are oblivious to the range of services available on their doorstep in community pharmacies. Ask Your Pharmacist Week is an opportunity to promote pharmacy's vital role in helping people make the best use of medicines and to raise public awareness of emerging public health services.

We encourage NPA members, local pharmacy representatives and NHS bodies across the UK to get involved. AYP Week is a great platform for a concerted public awareness drive.

Stephen Fishwick, Head of External Communications at the NPA

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  • Phone: +44 (0) 1342 892 588
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