One World, One Home, One Heart

One World, One Home, One Heart

World Heart Day is taking place on 29 September 2011.

Cardiovascular disease causes 29 per cent of all deaths globally each year making it the world's number one killer...

Every year, 17.1 million lives are claimed by the global burden of cardiovascular disease (CVD), with 82 per cent of deaths occurring in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).World Heart

This excessive number of deaths is particularly saddening, since through steps such as eating a healthy diet, regular physical activity and avoiding tobacco, the majority of these deaths could be prevented.

Global leaders have recognized the urgency to prioritize the prevention and control of CVD together with the other noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), which include cancers, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes, by holding the first ever United Nations High-Level Meeting on NCDs in September.

However, it is important that efforts to fight CVD do not rest only with policy makers and global leaders.

Individuals throughout the world can also reduce the CVD burden, by learning about the risk factors and taking vital steps to reduce their own and their family’s risk.

As a hub for family activities, and as a focal point in everyone’s life, the household is the perfect place to start taking action to improve heart health.

That is why this year, for World Heart Day, the World Heart Federation and its members are focusing their efforts on the home.

By adapting a few household behaviours, people all over the world can lead longer and better lives through the prevention and control of heart disease and stroke.

National activities organized by members and partners of the World Heart Federation may include public talks and screenings, walks and runs, concerts, sporting events and much more.

To get involved, find out more or to just tell us about your experiences of introducing heart health into the home, visit

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The World Heart Federation leads the global fight against heart disease and stroke via a united community of 200 member organizations that brings together the strength of cardiac societies and heart foundations from more than 100 countries. Through our collective efforts, we help people all over the world to lead
longer, better, heart healthy-lives.

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  • Phone: +44 (0) 1342 892 588
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