Is Food A Problem For You?

Is Food A Problem For You?

YorkTest Laboratories is Europe’s leading provider of food intolerance programmes with over 25 years' experience and is recommended by leading medical charity Allergy UK.

According to Allergy UK, as many as 45% of the population suffers from food intolerance which, whilst not life threatening, can make all aspects of life very uncomfortable for sufferers.

For anyone who is uncertain, a pre-screen is available - the First Step Test - which is a basic pre-screen, ideal for anyone wanting to find out if an IgG food reaction is present before choosing the in-depth YorkTest Programme.

Here at The Source we tested the FoodScan 113, which is a mail order service providing a simple pin-prick blood sample kit to test for raised IgG antibodies against 113 foods.

After plucking up the courage to do the pin-prick test (which was simple and no more painful than a light scratch) we sent off our samples in the pre-paid envelopes provided.

In less than a week we received our personalised result pack, which included comprehensive test results and a guide book explaining the principles of treating food intolerance by eliminating certain foods from our diets.

We also received a handy credit card sized summary of our results and access to two telephone consultations with a BANT** registered Nutritional Therapist to support us in changing our diet - plus one year's free membership to the leading medical charity Allergy UK.

We found the results very interesting and it has made a difference to some of the people who took the test...

One member of our team had actively avoided eating tuna for a number of years prior to this test, as they thought that it was unsuitable for them and that they may have had an intolerance.

Their results showed no raised IgG antibodies to tuna, so they took the plunge and have since enjoyed - without any obvious problems or symptoms - a freshly made tuna and mayonnaise sandwich.

Another member of the team who completed this test was found to have raised IgG antibodies against yeast. Since they already avoided wheat in their diet because they felt they reacted to bread this was an interesting result.

Sourcing bread that did not contain yeast but did contain wheat was a challenge but they are now able to enjoy eating bread again - without any obvious problems or symptoms - after a lengthy time of avoiding it.

If you are interested in a pre-test or to view the complete programme available

*British Association for Applied Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy

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