Coeliac - A Reader's Real Story

Coeliac - A Reader's Real Story

Next month sees the start of Coeliac UK - Awareness Week (16th - 22nd May 2011) with the focus on trying their 'Gluten-Free Challenge'.

Unfortunately for some people it’s not a choice but a way of life.

Source reader, Fiona Byrne didn't have a choice and had to adopt a gluten-free diet after being diagnosed with Coeliacs.

Fiona shares her story with us and explains what happened before, during and after her diagnosis.

Coeliac - My Story - Fiona Byrne

Article ImageWhen I become aware that I had (what I now know to be) the symptoms of Coeliacs, I had probably been suffering for some years.

I had been experiencing indigestion and heartburn for some time - it was normal but when the indigestion became a constant ache in my stomach I started to get suspicious.

However I only went to the doctor when I started getting a constant dull ache under my right ribs.

The doctor thought it may have been an ulcer so gave me a course of strong antibiotics.

The antibiotics did nothing so on returning to see the doctor he gave me a blood test to see what he could find.

The results showed a problem with my liver and I was subsequently referred for a liver scan. This scan showed a small amount of damage to my liver so I was then referred to a consultant.

The appointment with the consultant was a real shock. There had been no mention of Coeliacs up to this point so when he started to explain what Coeliacs was - I was confused.

What did this have to do with my liver?

The consultant explained that Coeliacs affects the small intestines - limiting the absorption of nutrients - which in turn damages the liver.

It can also increase the risk of osteoporosis (due to the lack of calcium) and bowel cancer.

After a gut biopsy (using an endoscope) confirmed Coeliac Disease, I was referred to a dietician. She explained what I could and couldn’t eat now I had been diagnosed.

When I left her office I felt devastated. I honestly thought I would never eat again.

Gradually over the following months I had to change the way I cooked.

Shopping was a chore as I had to read the ingredients on everything but this was made easier when the allergy advice on foods and packaging was introduced.

Almost immediately after changing my diet I started to feel better.

Looking back I suddenly realised exactly what my symptoms had been; including depression, exhaustion, upset stomach, constipation, indigestion, heartburn and wind - constant wind.

All these symptoms had been going on for years and yet I didn’t realise they were connected.

Now 10 years on, being ‘gluten free’ has been made a lot easier; supermarkets have allergy sections with a wide variety of products.

Restaurants have allergy menus or if you just ask then most are very helpful.

And thanks to the internet even travelling abroad can be made easy.

So Coeliacs doesn’t have to be the end of the world - it’s just the start of a ‘gluten free’ new one.

If you are worried or experiencing any symptoms please consult your G.P.

For further information on Coeliacs contact Coeliac UK:
0845 305 2060 - Helpline (Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 10-4 and Wed 11-4).

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