
Kidney Diets for Dogs

Sadly our little dog has got to the stage in her life where she needs to eat a dedicated diet suitable for her failing kidneys. As she is approaching her fifteenth year, this makes us a little sad but we are also happy to still have her in our lives.

Is Pet Dementia on the Rise?

Recent news has suggested that our pets are now leading such a sedentary life that we may actually be contributing to their early demise in cognitive function, along with our own.

How to Be Unpopular In the Wildlife World

It is common knowledge that wildlife needs readily available food, water and shelter to survive and thrive. But if you've noticed that you don't see many birds and hedgehogs in your garden despite your best efforts, you might be doing some things wrong which may be discouraging wildlife rather than encouraging!

Take Them Home in a 'Doggy Bag'

From the makers of the Microfibre Pet Care Range comes the ultimate Doggy Bag® - one you can actually put your dog into, and take out dry!

A Dog Toy Built to Last from Mighty Mutts

Whenever my dogs get a new toy, they love it, for about five minutes - and then bits start to break or fall off and it gets taken away. So when we discovered Mighty Mutts toys for dogs that are built to last, we decided to let our two loose to play.

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