A Dog Toy Built to Last from Mighty Mutts

A Dog Toy Built to Last from Mighty Mutts

Whenever my dogs get a new toy, they love it, for about five minutes - and then bits start to break or fall off and it gets taken away.

So when we discovered Mighty Mutts toys for dogs that are built to last, we decided to let our two loose to play.Mighty Mutts

"We have real confidence in the strength of our products and we want our customers to feel the same. Mighty Mutts offer a great solution for dog owners who struggle with the aggressive chewing of their pets and it is a solution that will last.

Whether your dog is a Chihuahua, Spaniel or Rottweiler they will be able to chew this toy to their hearts content without any worry of having to replace it the next day.

The tough structure of the toys creates a perfect chewing experience for your dog. The rubber structure provides a great surface to chew whilst also avoiding damage to the teeth and gums of your pet.

Many dog owners struggle with keeping their dogs entertained whilst they are out at work or even just popping to the shops. The variety and durability of Mighty Mutts means that your dogs are less likely to grow bored of the toy and keep them entertained for days, weeks, even years. Mighty Mutts toys come with a 3 year guarantee."

Well Harry and Emmie got very excited at the thought of new toys to play with, and actually took them from our hands to start because we made a good deal of fuss about joining in the play. New toys are otherwise usually left on the floor and approached with caution but the Mighty Mutts must have looked more appealing, as they both ran off with their new toys once the excitement died down and they were left to their own devices.

Emmie (Staff X Collie - 10yrs - 23kg) always takes her toys to bed, to hide and chew and just guard them against theft, yet with this new Mighty Mutts Ragger, complete with a rope through the middle, a game of gentle 'tuggy' was certainly on the menu.

The Mighty Mutts Ragger is a heavyweight rubber ball complete with rope, which provides a dental benefit as it flosses and cleans both the teeth and gums. Mighty Mutts BoneThe rope is harmless if digested. The rubber ball element floats, making it great for playing fetch in the water. The 3 year guarantee applies only to the ball, not the rope.

The great thing about the Ragger is that once Emmie has lost interest, which can happen quite quickly with this little dog, we can pop some chicken or paste inside the ball to encourage more play and healthy chewing. I was very pleased to find that the toy is not toxic and the rope can be digested, especially with a 45kg Harry up next.

What I also like is the lack of smell. Most toys begin to whiff a bit after a chew time so I am pleased to sat that these do not seem to have any noticeable odour.

Our main concern was that they may be a little on the heavy side for smaller dogs, but Emmie didn't seem fazed by the hardness of the ball. Most of her toys are soft and chewy yet she appeared to enjoy getting stuck in to a chew session with her Ragger.

Harry loves a game of fetch and being a large 45kg Lurcher (Bull Mastif X Deerhound - 8yrs old) he has exceptionally powerful jaws. His Ragger was recommended up to 40kg but we felt it was sturdy enough, and the ball big enough for his powerful jaws, to allow him to join in the fun too. Obviously if he had broken his toy with his being over the recommended weight it would negate the guarantee. However his Ragger stood up to a very good game of tug and fetch, and passed an afternoon of heavy chewing without a single mark or dent.

Obviously nothing is completely indestructible so we made sure we didn't leave Harry alone with his toy, to be on the safe side, although I think if he spent the next month trying to, he still wouldn't chew through this hard rubber Ragger. And he loves discovering it when we have filled it with his favourite treats!

If you are a regular at the store buying new toys that don't last very long, then investing in a quality toy could be better for your purse and your dog's health. To find out more about the Mighty Mutts guarantee visit www.interpet.co.uk/mighty-mutts-petlove/

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