Happy New Year 2023

Happy New Year 2023

We would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year for 2023. Let's hope that the economy picks up, life becomes a little easier, and we find a way to get through the day-to-day, which means you won't be finding any diet tips from us this month, no 'get-fit-quick' articles, or super-saving schemes. At the moment, for many people, life is just about getting through the week with enough warmth in our homes, food in our bellies, and a little bit of kindness left to give.

Sadly, 2022 left us with so much uncertainty, huge rises in our energy bills, mortgage horrors, eye-watering food prices, and we won't even mention the fuel situation. For a lot of the people we meet, especially small businesses, this year has started with a little hope that the current situation will improve, and might even stay stable enough to keep many people from closing down. The high streets are seeing more empty units than in past years, and sales are on for more than just the Boxing Day fun they used to be.

Our only resolution this year is to be as kind as we can to each other, and walk tentatively into January and the rest of 2023, while carefully watching where the road goes. There are some mountains to climb, let's try to get there together!

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