Out & About

Enjoy 'Les Plaisirs du Vin'

Helping consumers gain a greater understanding of wine! The 1st Get Wine Wise event launches 22nd September! The first-ever Get Wine Wise wine experiential and promotional programme launched on Thursday September 22nd 2011 at the Tesco Extra Bar Hill store in Cambridge.

Tens of Thousands of Jobs on Offer at London 2012

The London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games (LOCOG) is urging people to consider, research and apply for one of the tens of thousands of job opportunities that will become available between now and Games time and not to miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime to be part of the London 2012 team.

Celebrate British Brewing At Its Best

... With Vinopolis and London Brewers Alliance! For the chance to experience the best of British brewing, head down to Vinopolis's Brew Wharf on Saturday 22nd October, for the Vinopolis & London Brewers Alliance Beer Festival.

Launch of the Sustainable Food Cities Network

An event in Bristol today (12 October 2011) sees the launch of a UK-wide Sustainable Food Cities Network which will help cities develop and promote healthy and sustainable food programmes. The Network will be crucial as these cities work to tackle a growing epidemic of diet-related ill-health and the negative economic and environmental impacts of the UK's current food system.

BADMINTON England Launches PlayBadminton Portal

With London 2012 fast approaching, BADMINTON England has developed a revolutionary PlayBadminton online portal which enables those interested in getting fitter and healthier to quickly search for a nearby badminton court, club or activity, providing easy access to the game anywhere in the country.

When Stress Boils Over

We all have days when we feel we are going to 'blow a fuse' or have just had enough and can't wait to get home and crawl back under the duvet. But when does a bad day turn into stress and what if the stress takes over?

Contact Us

  • Phone: +44 (0) 1342 892 588
  • Email: info@kokovamagazine.com
