Wind, Water and Wood

Wind, Water and Wood

Soil Association Scotland's successful Climate Change Programme draws to a close at the end of September, but there's still a chance to attend two final events; 'Developing On Farm Renewables' and 'Grassland and Livestock Management'.

The three year Climate Change Skills Development Programme, funded through the Scottish Government Skills Development Scheme and the Robertson Trust, was put together to respond to the new set of climate-related challenges and opportunities facing agriculture.

Since it began in 2008, nearly 500 attendees have attended 25 events, covering topics such as grassland, livestock, manure management, Anaerobic Digestion and individual days on wind, hydro and biomass. These events have provided farmers with the skills and knowledge to both improve business sustainability and reduce greenhouse gases (GHGs).

A new range of events will be starting in the coming months with the newly launched Future Proofing Scotland's Farming programme - a new £200,000 three year project to improve sustainability and profitability in Scottish agriculture.

Commenting on the success of the scheme, Lyn Matheson, Agricultural Development Officer for Soil Association Scotland said:

The climate change programme has been a huge success. Resource depletion and a changing climate means we must make fundamental changes to the way we farm over the coming years. The Climate Change Programme is about giving farmers the knowledge and skills necessary to cope with these changes.

Farmers still have the chance to attend the two last practical events from the Climate Change Programme:

Developing On Farm Renewables: Wednesday 10th August, Lauder

The practical morning session will look at an overview of what you need to know to take a biomass, hydro or wind project forward - Including installation, grid connection, planning, FITS & RHI.

Speakers include Neil Harrison, SAC; Alex Reading, Green Highland Renewables; David Stirling, Scaled Energy and Paul Wilkinson, Energy Saving Trust.

The day will also include a visit to Over Langshaw Farm courtesy of the Bergius family to look at an Endurance 50 turbine.

The cost is £40.00 plus VAT for primary food producers, £60 plus VAT for other interested parties.

Grassland & Livestock Management: Thursday 22nd September, Blairgowrie

A look at soil management for optimum grassland productivity, choice of grass & clover species, establishment, nutrient management, weed control and utilizing grassland for best productivity.

Speakers include Michael Shannon, Damn Delicious, Thankerton Camp Farm Biggar; James Bretheron, AgScope and Richard Huxtable, SAC.

The day will also include a visit to Wester Drumlochy Farm courtesy of the Mackey family.

This will be a very practical day. The cost is £40.00 plus VAT.

For more information and to book a place please contact: -

Lyn Matheson
0131 666 0847

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