What Do You Know About Body Stress Release?

What Do You Know About Body Stress Release?

If someone said that just by applying gentle pressure to various points on the body, they could help alleviate the pain of many debilitating symptoms, you might raise a doubtful eyebrow.

If they went on to claim they may be able to help with everything from insomnia to the grinding of teeth, from constipation to migraines, you might be more sceptical.

And if they added that everyone, from the tiniest babies to those in their 80s and 90s (via pregnant women) could benefit, no-one would blame you for dismissing the whole idea as utter quackery.

But would you be wrong?

There is a practice called Body Stress Release. Since its development in South Africa in the 1980s, it has transformed the lives of thousands of people across the world.

Tracy Highton is proud to be a qualified Body Stress Release practitioner.

Tracy first encountered BSR almost 20 years ago when her mother was suffering from an extremely painful and debilitating frozen shoulder.

It was so painful, she couldn’t dress herself or brush her hair.

She’d tried physiotherapy, cortisone injections and numerous complimentary techniques but nothing worked.

Then a friend suggested Body Stress Release. After three sessions, the pain had gone and she had regained full use of her shoulder. It was nothing short of miraculous.

Discover how this extraordinary technique could help you and your family too

What is Body Stress Release?

Body Stress Release is a complimentary health technique that was researched and developed in South Africa and is now practised worldwide. It gently helps the body release stored tension from its muscles. Clients are often amazed that such a gentle technique can be so effective.

What is body stress?

It’s no secret that modern life is stressful, and in more ways than we might imagine.
Think of all the things that may affect your life, including;

  • Physical Stress - caused by an injury or strain, or bad posture.
  • Chemical Stress - from pollutants, additives in food, and harmful chemicals in everyday products.
  • Mental or Emotional Stress - such as bereavement, relationship problems, work or financial pressures.

We all absorb stress every day, but that’s generally okay because we’re designed to deal with it in a positive way.

However, sometimes we become overloaded and then the body begins to respond to the stress negatively instead by storing it in our muscles.

This is body stress. It can lead to pain, stiffness, distorted posture, numbness and cramps, or cause backache, slipped discs, neck pain, headaches, indigestion, sciatica and more.

Stored stress - or tension - in the muscles puts pressure on our nerves, disturbing the body’s communication system. This, in turn, reduces our body’s natural ability to heal itself.

So, how can Body Stress Release help me and my family?

Body Stress Release is for everyone, from new born babies to the elderly. It’s even safe during pregnancy. Clients are usually looking for relief from pain, stiffness or other discomfort.

Amongst the truly astonishing range of conditions BRS has helped with are:

  • Musculo-skeletal complaints like backache, neck pain, slipped discs, whiplash, frozen shoulders, headaches and migraines, repetitive strain injuries, hip pain, arthritis, coccydynia, sciatica, sports injuries, trapped nerves, scoliosis, bad posture, grinding of teeth.
  • Gynaecological disorders including fertility problems, painful and irregular periods, menopausal side effects, vulvodynia/vestibulitis (pain to the female genitalia).
  • Emotional problems such as insomnia, anxiety, stress, general fatigue or lack of energy.
  • Gastrointestinal complaints including heartburn, indigestion, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, constipation and diarrhoea.
  • Childhood complaints; colic in babies, babies who cry for no apparent reason, poor posture, ‘growing’ pains, bed-wetting.

What happens at an appointment?

Your practitioner will book three initial appointments for you over a period of two weeks. During your first appointment they will take a detailed case history.

You will then lie down, fully clothed and your practitioner will test your body for stored tension.

Then, by applying a gentle and precise pressure to the affected areas, your body will be encouraged to ‘release’ the stored tension.

If you’d like to make an appointment or discuss how Body Stress Release could help you, please get in touch!

Tracy can be contacted on:
07960 322 387

Tracy Highton MBSRA (UK)

Ingledale Natural Health Centre
1 Tanhouse Road
Broadham Green
Old Oxted

90 Limpsfield Road
South Croydon

Bsr Logo

Or visit www.bodystressrelease.org.uk for further information or to find your nearest practitioner.

All practitioners are members of the Body Stress Release Association (UK) and are registered with the British Complementary Medicine Association.

Contact Us

  • Phone: +44 (0) 1342 892 588
  • Email: info@kokovamagazine.com
