The Royal Surrey County Hospital Tomosynthesis Appeal

The Royal Surrey County Hospital Tomosynthesis Appeal

Help the Royal Surrey County Hospital's appeal to raise funds for a Tomosynthesis and support continued research into new cancer treatments. Royal Surrey County HospitalThis vital equipment is proven to detect breast cancer earlier.

This vital equipment is proven to detect breast cancer earlier. With your support, they can help more women to beat breast cancer in Surrey, Sussex and Hampshire.

Tracey Irvine, Clinical Director of the Royal Surrey Breast Unit, tells us why a Tomosynthesis machine will make all the difference.

"Over 50,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer in the UK every single year. We are making great advances in breast cancer treatment and our survival rates in Surrey are the best in the UK.

But we can always do more. Unfortunately not every woman will survive breast cancer. The earlier we can detect her breast cancer, the better the chance we have of curing her with less invasive treatments. These women are not just breast cancer patients; they are our mothers, daughters, sisters and friends. And we need your help to give them their very best chance of survival."

Research studies around the world have shown that Tomosynthesis increases the cancer detection rate in women attending a breast screening appointment by at least 25%. With your help, the trust can buy this life-saving equipment for breast cancer screening at Royal Surrey County Hospital.

Once enough money has been raised to purchase a Tomosynthesis machine, all surplus donations will go towards other life-saving equipment to help detect women's cancers, including ultrasound scanners for the Royal Surrey County Hospital's gynaeoncology unit.

You can donate directly now at Royal Surrey County Hospital Tomosynthesis Appeal or look online to find out more about fundraising ideas and events.

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