Osteopathy - Real Case Studies

Osteopathy - Real Case Studies

We asked osteopath Nicholas Coysh BSc (Hons) to select some real case studies, people whom he had treated, to give our readers a clearer picture of what can be achieved when electing to use osteopathy as an alternative treatment and therapy.

Nick reviewed four cases that could easily apply to many of us in every day situations.

Mr. S came to the clinic complaining of knee pain after a progressive injury he sustained through running which he had obtained in preparation for the London Marathon.

He was concerned because this pain was not disappearing and he needed to start increasing his running distance.

After thorough questioning and examination Nick discovered many potential causes which were likely to have been leading to this problem.

Through treatment of not only the knee but correcting underlying postural problems in the back and pelvis, followed by advice on footwear, running surface, pre and post run stretches and exercises to do at home, Mr. S’s knee pain radically reduced after the first two treatments.

This allowed him to increase his training demands and reach optimal levels of fitness in good time for the marathon.

Landscape gardener Mr. A was moving house and thus lifting heavy furniture all day.

The next morning he woke with incredible upper back and neck pain and was unable to go to work.

On first seeing Nick the pain was so acute that only a very gentle and conservative treatment could be given because the area was highly sensitive and lying in various positions on the treatment table was painful in itself.

Nick gave some post treatment advice on how to handle the acute pain and saw the man a few days later, after the pain had diminished slightly.

Nick’s first objective was to get Mr. A’s pain level down to a more manageable level - which he accomplished after this next treatment though a combination of soft tissue release on the tightened, spasming muscles and putting gentle movements through the joints of the spine and neck to help keep them mobile, reducing any restrictions.

Mr. A was soon able to return to work and after a few more treatments found himself to be pain free with improved joint mechanics and better postural awareness to help prevent any similar re-occurrences in future.

Mrs. C presented with long-standing lateral foot pain and clawing of the toes, which had been gradually developing to the point where it was now causing discomfort that could no longer be tolerated.

Upon assessment Nick observed that her centre of gravity was not so central due to a few postural issues, which were corrected over the course of a few treatments.

With a more neutral alignment of the spine and pelvis achieved, as well as helping Mrs. C maintain a more balanced weight bearing posture, less stresses and strains were being put through certain joints and structures.

This, combined with some direct manipulation to a couple of troublesome joints and tissues, helped eradicate Mrs. C’s foot pain and greatly assisted in reducing the clawing of her toes, to make weight bearing and walking long distances do-able once again.

Mrs. W, an office worker who is predominantly on the computer all day suffered with Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

She was told by the doctor that an operation was needed to relieve the discomfort in her wrist but being not overly keen on this idea she decided to seek out osteopathic treatment.

On presentation of her case Nick believed that surgery was not entirely necessary. Investigation had shown that Mrs. W’s ergonomics at work were poor and this was one of the main predisposing factors to her problem.

With the combination of her slouched posture, rounded shoulders and badly positioned office and computer equipment, these were creating early signs of the development of problems elsewhere such as discomfort in her shoulders, back and neck too. As well as directly working on the wrist, arm and shoulder, Nick also provided a few holistic treatments of the body as a whole - whilst offering advice on how she could alter her work ergonomics and posture.

Following the treatments Mrs. W was amazed by the results, delighted with the drastic improvement and she felt surgery was definitely no longer necessary.

For more information about osteopathy, whether it can help you or to book an appointment please contact:

Nick OfferNicholas Coysh BSc (Hons)

Serendipity Health & Beauty
22a Chipstead Station Parade
Clinic: 01737 554 704
Mobile: 07817 934 270

The White Horse Hotel
West Sussex
RH20 4DJ
Tel: 01903 745831

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