Local Business Makes the Grade with Paphitis

Local Business Makes the Grade with Paphitis

The Cake Crusader, based in Reading, is a Theo Paphitis Small Business Sunday winner for 3rd July 2011.

The company focus is on special occasion cakes and cupcakes for people who suffer a variety of food intolerances and allergies that include gluten, wheat, dairy, egg and sugar.

Allergy UK estimates that up to 45 per cent of the population in the UK suffer some form of food intolerance while around eight per cent of children under the age of three suffer from a food allergy as well.

Theo Paphitis, of Dragon's Den fame, runs #sbs on Twitter between 5pm and 7:30pm every Sunday. Each week six small businesses are awarded with the honour of a re-tweet of approval from Theo Paphitis The Small Business Sunday has 75,000 followers.

I believe that everyone should be able to enjoy scrumptious cakes despite their allergies and intolerances. Mr Paphitis belief in our company and what we are doing is truly exciting and shows there is a need for these kinds of products.

It is an amazing feeling to be recognised by someone like Theo Paphitis. I couldn't believe it! I'd like to thank Theo Paphitis myself for being such a fantastic entrepreneur and recognising that small businesses need such a boost in these hard times.

Liz Allan - owner of The Cake Crusader

Since winning, The Cake Crusader’s followers have increased by more than 300 and the website is on the first page of Google UK when ‘gluten free cakes’ is searched.

The Cake Crusader clients are supportive of the two-year-old company that makes cakes to order from weddings to birthdays to anniversaries as well as everyday creations.

The company's lemon drizzle cake was commended at the Free From Food Awards 2011.

(Nicky) A London client, said "Utterly delighted: these cakes are both culinary and creative works of art! Recommended by a top London dietitian as it's important for allergy kids to have 'normal' birthdays. These cakes are truly magical and delicious."

(Sarah) Twickenham, said "I am intolerant to wheat, gluten, dairy, eggs, soya, some nuts and I avoid all artificial sugars, and thought the days of eating cakes were long gone. And lo and behold all that changed when I met The Cake Crusader at the Gluten Free and Allergy show at Olympia. For the first time, I met someone who didn't shy away from the challenges my allergies gave. Liz was brilliant and came up with a number of substitute ingredients for a cake that would meet all my needs. The cake surpassed all my expectations”.

DarthVisit www.thecakecrusader.co.uk for more information on these fabulous cakes and to order online.

Here at Your Source, the team have sampled some of these inventive cakes.

They are amazing (very difficult to walk past in the office without having yet another slice) and it is even harder to believe they are 'free-from' - they are professionally made and full of flavour.

Delicious, moist and perfect for any occasion, even if you don't have an allergy.

But don't just take our word on it - pop over to The Cake Crusader and judge for yourself.

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