Health Testing through Systematic Kinesiology

Health Testing through Systematic Kinesiology

Can Systematic Kinesiology (muscle-testing) diagnose food intolerance or unknown health conditions? Or is it just an effective way to relax and relate?

Last week I took a drive up to Ascot, to meet Kate Griffiths, who is a practising Reiki Master Practitioner with Kinesiology. Having tried many alternative health methods and practises, I met Kate with an open mind, or so I thought - but if the truth be told I entered her treatment room with a huge does of scepticism, and little else.

"Kinesiology is the study of the mechanics of body movements. Applied kinesiology is a technique in alternative medicine claimed to be able to diagnose illness or choose treatment by testing muscles for strength and weakness. Systematic kinesiology is a totally holistic therapy using the body's bio-feedback mechanism through muscle testing to gain information about the client."

ASKIssues with digestion and stomach pains, thyroid issues and multiple aches and pains have certainly led me to seeking out all methods of modern medicines and techniques, mostly scoffed at as a waste of money by family, friends and my local G.P.

I confess, I had heard of Kinesiology prior to my visit with Kate but knew little else of what treatment really involved, so I was relieved to find Kate very welcoming. After a brief chat, Kate had me laying back on her therapy bench, getting quite comfortably relaxed - or as much as my aching body would allow.

The treatment consisted of gently pressing on my arm to see if I could resist applied pressure and if this resistance changed when different substances were closely applied. Kate took many vials of different vitamins and minerals, placing them in close contact with my body while assessing the resistance I had to each, individually and in combination.

If I was unable to hold a muscle steady prior to the application of something like vitamin D, and able to sustain my muscle control with it in close contact, this would suggest I needed to take some of it to regain my strength and re-balance my body.

Kate was charming and explained every step throughout the treatment, which lasted about an hour. On many occasions I felt quite strong in my resistance, only to be left unable to sustain my pose in the next moment. But was this the answer to my ill, and could this simplistic muscle testing really 'cure' my aches and indigestion?

Nowadays, there are many alternative practises and methods of treatment available in a time when general practitioners are more often advocating the popping of pills with little time left to listen, to try to understand the root of the problem. And no time to look at the body as a whole - more often treating just the apparent symptoms rather than the cause.

Many alternative therapist offer private consultations and treatments, which allow for more time and understanding, more conversation between practitioner and, in turn, more time to unwind and begin to see what may be the root of a growing health concern.

Through my session with Kate it became apparent that I need to take vitamin D, along with some stomach enzymes and acid to help with my digestion. Dairy was off the menu, not lactose but the actual dairy products themselves, as well as onions and wheat. A few other issues were brought to light and I left feeling like I had been listened to and allowed to relax.

But did I actually get anything diagnosed? I was surprised that Kate had picked up on some key issues but, on reflection, I willingly supplied the information prior to testing regarding onion, gluten, dairy and a lack of vitamin D and stomach acid.

Did the muscle testing really work to confirm these issues, or was my body reacting to what I feel I already knew; a subconscious confirmation revealed through a lack of resistance? And how could my body react to something that was simply placed close by, still encased in a plastic pot?

My body certainly reacted to different tests and this is something that I felt - but feel unable to explain.

These sessions are a good investment into having some time to reflect on what you are doing to your body, and what you could do differently to help. It is a good time to relax and unwind, take stock of any issues you may be feeling and look at your being as a whole - mind, body and mood. Considering the lower price range Kate charges for her sessions, it is cheap therapy.

Stress plays just as an important role in our health as good diet and plenty of hydration and sleep. Take an hour or two out of your day to focus on how you feel and I would challenge any one to not feel a little bit more relaxed and happy.

But was it the 'magic' of muscle testing Kinesiology, or just a break from an other wise busy day? The time with Kate left as many questions as answers.

In conclusion, regardless of my own feelings, Kate was professional and friendly, knowledgeable about her field and didn't push me in to buying any of the suggested products. I was free to return to my PC, to Google and research any of the vitamins and minerals listed, to make up my own mind on what to do next or whether to book a second visit.

Since the treatment I have started taking some of the support supplements Kate listed, and I am seeing improvements to how I felt before. But I knew I needed to take these before I met Kate, as I knew most of the steps I needed to take to allow my body the chance to repair. So did Kate 'diagnose' what my body revealed through muscle resistance, or was it a good session that actually just allowed me some time to talk to someone, in a therapeutic way, who could confirm to me what I already knew?

I am certainly willing to give it another try! If you want to find out more about Systematic Kinesiology, or to find a local practitioner visit

If you would like to contact Kate, email:

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