Ditch the Diet and Start Healthy Living for 2015

Ditch the Diet and Start Healthy Living for 2015

New Year starts with many resolutions and for some people this will invariably mean a new diet, a crash diet, a detox or a radical change to what they eat. Healthy Food PeppersBut for 2015 the best resolution you can make for your body this January is to include more healthy options in your diet, exercise more and make changes gradually, making it more likely to lead to success.

Most Brits have heard of the 'at least 5 A Day fruit and veg' recommendation to help maintain a healthy lifestyle and with so many different ways of including fruit and veg in your diet, it's more achievable than ever. So why are 70% of Brits struggling to keep to the minimum daily recommendations?

New research from Tropicana reveals that nearly two-thirds (59%) said they do not know what counts as 'a portion' - meaning people may be further from reaching their 5 A Day than they think - which could impact their health in the long term. Worryingly there also appears to be some confusion as to what counts as one of your 5 A Day.

Nutritionist Fiona Hunter tells us what nutrients we might be missing out on by not following the 'minimum 5 A Day' recommendation and gives her top tips on how you can reach your 5 A Day more easily.

Many people choose to try a detox after Christmas to assist their liver after over-indulgence. Cleaning up your diet and giving your liver lots of support results in you feeling sharper, more energised and can aid weight loss after a period of overindulgence. But a detoxification programme is not something that should be embarked on lightly, and should only ever be completed with the assistance of a professional who can guide you through the process, so the liver does not become over stressed.

The liver will really thank you for a bit of tender loving care. Nutritionist and author Fiona Kirk offers a Clean Up Plan for anything up to 10 days, rather than embarking on any kind of 'super cleanse' which is likely to make you and your liver feel pretty dreadful.healthy choices

The best thing you can do for your health and your waistline is to take a look at how much processed food you are eating, what additives the products are packed with and swapping out as much as you can for fresh, home made meals that are packed with nutritional goodness, not empty calories.

But don't think that food has to be boring just to be good for you. With outlets like POD and Herman ze German on hand, you can still have a healthier treat when eating out.

Herman's "No Carbs Fraulein" dish includes a choice of delicious gluten-free sausages or quality meat bullets served with fresh, crunchy salad including apples, cucumbers and carrots for a no fuss, filling and indulgent January meal without the calories. Herman ze German is famous for their authentic recipes and their high quality, free-range and fresh meat from the family butchers in the Black Forest.

POD's vision is simple - to help people to enjoy healthier lives, meaning eating out on the go can be healthy. POD work towards this every day by aiming to offer the very best fast, good food experience around.

Exercise should be introduced or increased as you make your changes. Signing up to the gym and challenging yourself beyond your limits will only result in your membership being an expensive accessory come March because the workout was too much to complete.

It is far better to take up a sporting hobby, one that you enjoy. Walk more, get out and about in the fresh air and gradually increase your limits as you go.

So this New Year, ditch the diet, the quick detox fix and super cleanse - and work towards loving your body and looking at your diet, while making realistic changes to your daily life and exercise routine, to ensure you achieve your goals.

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