Beating Bad Breath with CB12

Beating Bad Breath with CB12

It is not often that we stop to write about a 'research study' - especially when it is completed by a product company to promote a specific product they supply. But when a bottle of CB12 mouthwash landed on the desk we thought the least we should do is give it a try.

Personally, bad breath is one of my pet hates, and it can be very off-putting when you are in business with someone and all you can think about is keeping a few paces away. It is not the easiest of subjects to broach, and can lead to loss of confidence if you happen to feel your breath is letting you down.

Of course, not all bad breath comes from the mouth so any ongoing issues, once oral hygiene has been addressed, should be referred to a medical practitioner. However, if it is a simple case of hygiene then complete care when brushing you teeth should sort out any further issues.

If you want to take cleaning a step further and use a mouthwash to neutralise and freshen any areas where brushes cannot reach then there are many products on the market. However, with a lot of the products available you may get an instant hit of freshness which can often wear off in a short time, leaving a coated feel to the mouth.

At around £15 a bottle CB12 is by no means a throw away purchase, although if it works and a regular bottle lasts a month it is then a better investment than cheaper bottles that won't do the job to the standard you would like. So we asked our tester to try CB12 for a week to see how they got on:

"First impressions are that it's very mild in taste, without the burning sensation that you can get from some mouth washes. As a result it is easy to keep in the mouth and it doesn't foam as much, which helps.

There is a slight chemical aftertaste but not excessive, somewhat like the dentist's wash after a check-up. It wears off quickly enough and doesn't feel like it leaves your breath too heavily scented but certainly feels cleaner than some other brands.

At work, after lunch my mouth can feel sticky and that is when breath can be an issue but so far this week I have to say that with CB12 in use I have noticed a difference in how much fresher it feels throughout the day."

When it comes to mouthwash, always check the ingredients of the brand you use, to make sure it does not contain anything that you should avoid. For more informationon CB12 please visit or check out their video at

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