Kenco Millicano and the Sunlight Blend

Kenco Millicano and the Sunlight Blend

We have all seen the adverts, where the Mum arrives at her child's school, still dressed in her pyjamas, to reclaim her pot of Kenco Millicano Whole Bean Instant.

And why not! With its amazing taste and the way it feels freshly ground, who wouldn't keep it close to hand. Even for the decaf lovers the flavour topped the polls and Kenco Millicano took the top slot on instant coffee, especially in our cupboards.

Yet a few months back we started to notice the granules were a lot bigger and the flavour not so intense. And for those that didn't notice the change in production that created the larger granules, they certainly noticed the lack of individuality in flavour that this great product once had.

After a few more tries we replaced our supply with an alternate brand and felt the loss. A quick search of the 'internet' found many others in the same position, with an article on The Grocer website explaining why the taste had changed.

So when we received a sample of the new Kenco Millicano Sunlight Blend, a fresh new version of their hugely popular wholebean instant coffee, we got excited.

Launched just in time for spring, medium roasted for a vibrant aroma, it is designed to gently awaken your senses so that you can enjoy the great taste all day long. Yet the company still claim Kenco Millicano Sunlight Blend contains finely-milled wholebeans - giving coffee lovers the taste and aroma reminiscent of roast and ground coffee in an instant.

Unfortunately we have to disagree. Don't get me wrong, the coffee is good, for a run of the mill instant - but gone are the characteristics of this coffee that made this brand so good. Gone is the distinction in flavour, the feeling of drinking freshly ground coffee - and what you have left is just another instant granule with an instant granule taste.

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