A Sure Start to Weaning with the Nutri Baby Bullet from High Street TV
The Nutri Baby can make fresh baby food suitable for babies in every stage of development. As you can switch between making puréed baby food for younger babies and chunkier baby food for older babies, you can be sure in the knowledge that you are in control, and will know exactly what you are putting into each bowl.
Give your baby the best start when it comes to weaning, with the Nutri Baby.
Nutri Baby purées fresh ingredients into the perfect baby food consistency, making baby food in seconds; it's cheaper and can be more nutritious than store bought baby food. Simply add your ingredients to the short cup or batch bowl, place on the power base, then push and twist for instant, organic, fresh baby food.
The Nutri Baby's Batch Bowl allows you to make large batches of baby food that can be refrigerated in its storage containers with adjustable dates built in, so you know exactly when you made your last batch.
We asked first-time mum, Gemma Cook from Oxted, Surrey, to put the Nutri Baby to the test as she moved into the weaning stage with her son Sam, for the very first time.
"I was really excited to receive the Nutri Baby as I'd heard fantastic things from friends who own the Nutribullet, and I was also really looking forward to weaning my baby Sam. I'm really interested in nutrition and I love cooking, so the Nutri Baby seemed the perfect choice.
When I opened the product I thought the packaging and the design on the product itself was really sweet and really baby friendly; the smiley faces were really cute.
The instructions were very clear and it was super easy to put together. It's also quite small so it didn't take up too much room on my counter top in the kitchen.
The first purées I made were sweet potato, carrots and courgettes. I made enough to use in the following few days and put them in the cute little storage pots for the fridge, as well as filling the freezer trays. I steamed the veg on the hob and then just put each veg into the Nutri Baby with some of the steaming liquid to get the right consistency. I must admit I did also use some of the sweet potato purée for my husband's and my supper that evening!
The batch bowl that fits onto the base is a really good size. You press down to start the blending, which makes it really easy to manage the consistency (I needed supersmooth at this stage for Sam). There is also a milling blade attachment you can use for making your own baby rice and cereal.
You can add the date onto the storage pots by using the date dial. I think this is a fantastic idea as it takes away the worry about how long something has been in the fridge (which is great as little ones tums are more sensitive than us adults). Such a better idea than using stick on labels!
The freezer trays fit about 3 tbs worth of purée into each section, so I could just take one section out of the freezer in the evening and I was set up for the next day. I love the way the frozen purées just pop straight out of each section and fit into the little storage pots.
This is a great design idea, it just makes it so easy!
The only negative I would note here is if people want to sterilise any storage products they are using for weaning, you are unable to sterilise the storage pots in a steam steriliser or boiling water. To prevent warping you are advised to allow the sterilising solution to cool to tepid before adding the product parts for sterilisation. For me it wasn't a problem because Sam is putting absolutely everything he can get his hands on into his mouth now anyway! The only thing I still sterilise for him is his bottles.
If you are using bottles to feed at all or give water, the bottle brushes usually used to clean them are the perfect size for cleaning each part of this product, especially the little storage pots, which also makes things easier! However a sponge or a cloth would do just as well.
I have to say that is one of the main reasons I love the Nutri Baby product - it is just so easy to clean. As all mums will know, any product that can save you time is worth it! I seem to have so much washing up these days. With the Nutri Baby I always just clean it straight after use so that nothing dries onto it; it literally takes a minute to clean.
Finally I would say the product has a helpful booklet which shows you which foods are the best to choose for baby at what stage, as well as what the health benefits of each food type are. It also notes how to spot allergies plus has some example feeding schedules. It also has some recipes and space at the back to keep a food journal, which I found really helpful.
All in all I would definitely recommend this product to people who were thinking of puréeing for weaning their baby. It has got a fun design, it's super easy to use and clean - and it contains lots of information to help you with this exciting phase with your baby. I'm looking forward to the next few months with Sam where I can start puréeing the food that I eat - hopefully he will enjoy that as much as well."
Gemma Cook, Oxted, Surrey - Nutri Baby reviewer and Mum to Sam
For more information on the Nutri Baby or to order now visit https://www.buynutribullet.co.uk/baby-bullet.html