Recent Articles - Page 333

World Water Day

International World Water Day is held annually on 22nd March as a means of focusing attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources.

Brighton's Big Raspberry Plant

The Food Partnership's Harvest project has offered free raspberry canes to groups that can plant them in public spaces in Brighton & Hove, where residents and passers-by can see them. Over 200 autumn-fruiting canes will be distributed to more than 20 visible public spaces such as parks, community centres, sheltered housing schemes and housing estates.

RHS - National Gardening Week

The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS), the UK's leading gardening charity, is launching National Gardening Week for 16 to 22 April 2012, to get the nation growing. The RHS is calling on nurseries, plant centres, gardeners, clubs, charities, schools and media to join in and celebrate the week by opening gardens, holding events and providing advice.

Dietitians vs Nutrition Therapists

With so many 'professional' available today - countless sources claiming to be 'experts' in their chosen profession - and daily reports on what we should and should not eat - just how do we know which ones to believe? The New Year has barely started and already the British Dietetic Association (BDA) has experienced a significant increase in calls from the media asking them to debunk various food claims - from many sources.

Reducing Salt to Prevent a Stroke

High blood pressure is the single most important risk factor for stroke and salt is the major factor that raises blood pressure - salt is therefore responsible for many of these strokes. Most of the UK population however are not aware of the link between salt and stroke and are currently eating too much salt. Stroke is a leading cause of severe adult disability and the third biggest killer in the UK...

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