Win A Set Of Helen's Gluten Free Bread Mixes

Win A Set Of Helen's Gluten Free Bread Mixes

Competition now closed.

Congratulations to our winners: -
Emily Fraser - Yorkshire; Hazel Rush - East Sussex; Claire Hyde - West Midlands; Mary Gould - South Yorkshire; Mayur Koya - Surrey; Kate Ruloff - Pembrokeshire; Emma Thackery - South Yorkshire; Heather Shaw - Cambridge; Pauline Hill - Cleveland; Joan Furlong - Hertfordshire.

After months of trial Helen finally cracked it !

Light soft and delicious breads without any chemical stabilizers or wheat starch.

When test marketed locally the response was unanimous approval, even from regular wheat eaters.

Adults and children scoffed the lot and could not believe they were both wheat and gluten free: - Brilliant!

Requiring just a few minutes of your time to mix, and bake, the brown bread or scones not only bake off soft and light but stay fresh for several days after baking if you wrap them carefully when cool and store at room temperature ( not in the fridge).

You can use them at any meal or as a snack.

The scones bake up soft, fluffy and light. They are slightly sweet and make fantastic snacks, perfect for your little ones going to school to include in lunch boxes spread with a little jam or fruit spread.

The sandwich bread is light and airy you can fill with any filling of your choice and enjoy the taste.


We have 10 sets of all three products in the range to give away.

Open to UK residents only. The winners will be notified by email.

Please read our terms and conditions.

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