Millefeuille of Raspberry

Millefeuille of Raspberry

Another stunning creation from Steve Golding, the mastermind behind the feast to be consumed at Royal Ascot this year - Ascot racecourse will be celebrating its 300th anniversary from 14th - 18th June 2011.

(Serves 8)



  • 150g Icing Sugar
  • 1 Sheet of Puff Pastry
  • 88 Fresh Raspberries
  • 24 Fraise de Bois (Wild Strawberries)
  • 40 Small Pale Pink Rose Petals
  • 8 Chocolate Match Makers


  • 85g Merri-white Mix
  • 570ml Cold Water
  • 1kg Caster Sugar

Rose Jelly

  • 100g Rose Flavoured Turkish Delight

Vanilla Cream

  • 600ml Double Cream
  • 2 Vanilla Pod
  • 3 Egg Yolk
  • 1 Whole Egg
  • 80g Caster Sugar



  • Roll out a large puff pastry sheet to half its original thickness.
  • Dust with icing and bake in oven with a tray on top at 160ºc for 15 minutes.
  • Remove from oven and leave to cool.
  • Cut into strips 8cm by 3cm and dust heavily with Icing Sugar (2 bars per serving).


  • Mix together 570ml water and Merri-white on a mixer with whisk.
  • Slowly stream in sugar until soft peaks are formed.
  • Place in a piping bag and pipe small dots onto a tray.
  • Place in hot cupboard or oven set at 65ºc to dry out.
  • Leave for 12 hours.

Vanilla Cream

  • Separate three eggs yolks, add vanilla and caster sugar and whisk until light in colour.
  • Heat 400ml double cream until boiling remove from heat and add to the egg mix.
  • When mixed place back on the heat and cook until thick.
  • Take off heat and chill.
  • Whisk 200ml double cream to soft peaks are formed then fold through the vanilla cream base and whisk again until it holds its peaks.
  • Set to one side until you are ready to plate up.

To serve

  • Pipe some cream onto plate and place piece of pastry on top.
  • Quenelle 4 teaspoons of vanilla cream onto pastry leaving gaps for 2 raspberries in each gap so you will use 6 for each one.
  • Pace top sheet pastry at an angle to show off filling.
  • Quenelle 3 teaspoons of vanilla cream on the plate and scatter meringues and rose jelly.
  • Place 3 more raspberries and 3 fraise de bois on the plate.
  • Garnish with rose petals and a chocolate matchmaker.

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