Brunch Salad

Brunch Salad

After a big weekend out or a lazy long sleep in, this Brunch Salad makes a great alternative to a greasy fry-up for those watching their waistline or wanting a lighter start to the day.


  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 pack thick sliced bacon
  • 4 hard boiled eggs
  • 1 red onion
  • 1 tbsp wholegrain mustard
  • 1 tbsp muscovado sugar (brown sugar)
  • 2 lettuce hearts (or mixed salad leaves)
  • 1 avocado
  • 16 cherry tomatoes
  • Half cucumber
  • 1 tbsp red wine vinegar


  • Peel and stone the avocado and slice.
  • Slice the cucumber.
  • Arrange the avocado and cucumber on a bed of lettuce leaves.
  • Remove egg shells and cut each egg in half and arrange them on the salad.
  • Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry off the onions, stirring occasionally until golden brown.
  • Roughly chop the bacon slices and fry with the onions for approximately 8 minutes.
  • Add the mustard, sugar and tomatoes to the frying pan and cook on a moderate heat for a further 2 minutes - until the bacon is cooked, the tomatoes begin to split and the mustard/sugar begins to glaze.
  • Spoon the bacon mixture over the arranged salad. Retain pan.
  • Use the vinegar with 1 tbsp of water in the frying pan to loosen any residue sugar and mustard to create a hot drizzle for the salad.
  • Serve with warm toast or crusty rolls.

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