The RumFest Diaries

The RumFest Diaries

For most people The UK RumFest is the ultimate rum experience - for rum drinkers, rum aficionados and rum lovers to sample the music, the food, the partying and people associated with drinking rum.

But this year was it more party than appreciation - and does the serious side of rum still have a place within the carnival atmosphere that was RumFest 2012...

For many visitors it appears to be a good excuse to down as many rum and rum cocktails as you can get your hands on during the allocated serving times. With tokens for drinks being issued with ticket sales - and more available for purchase - it seems only a few stands actually require them, while the majority willingly give testers away to all who follow. Botran Blanca

If you enjoy a good party then RumFest will deliver, with a similar atmosphere found on the many islands around the world frequented by British party-goers.

Rum has a reputation as a party drink; made for cocktails, for sharing, for parties and a wild time.

With cocktails like the 'Panty Ripper' on offer - it says it all. RumFest, for many, is most definitely a weekend long party!

But if you want to see the serious side of rum - then the place to be is inside the Boutique RumFest.

Separated away from the party, The Boutique RumFest is a trade only event, created specifically for new or boutique rums or cachaça brands - and it was here that we discovered some amazing brands and blends.

Sampling the Botran on our way in, we were delighted to rediscover this wonderfully smooth dark rum again after our first experience at Rum on the River.

We also discovered the new Botran Reserva Blanca, which will join the existing range of Ron Botran Reserva and Ron Botran Solera 1893 in early 2013.

Reserva Blanca has been charcoal filtered to remove the colour - producing a new rum that will help to fill a gap in the market for a quality white rum. With an exceptionally smooth and fruity taste this is most definitely one we would recommend adding to the drinks cabinet.

In the Boutique we sampled Don Papa - which received one of our votes for the day. Many rums are made for mixing, while others are created for drinking straight and, for us, we find only a select few achieve this to perfection. Don Papa and Botran both achieve.

Two more that deserve to be highlighted are the elegant range available from both Chamarel and Bougainville.

We talked to Rowan Sham, Managing Director of RDS Premium Spirits, who walked us through his selection of Chamarel rums. Chamarel Coffee The entire range were of a smooth, palatable and drink alone quality, with the pièce de résistance being a coffee liqueur. If Tia Maria is in your cabinet then you won't go far wrong if you upgrade to the Chamarel Mauritius Coffee Liqueur. Looking extremely elegant, the design of the bottles is clean and classy and would make a beautiful addition to any good bar display.

For Bougainville, Dean-David Oxenham, sales manager for E. C. Oxenham & Cy. Ltd, showed us around his collection of rums - also from Mauritius, and we were impressed with both the Vanille and Blanca. Very palatable and extremely easy to consume on their own, both have creamy tones with a distinctive aroma. If you try their lemon grass based Citronnelle we would advise using a mixer, as this is obviously intended more at the cocktail market. The range is housed in tall, elegant bottles of 50cl, as opposed to the more familiar 70cl choice.

The Traveller's Liquors Ltd produce a wide variety of speciality liquors including some with uniquely Belizean flavours and we were tempted by their Kuknat rum.

After hearing the story behind the 'Panty Ripper' cocktail we were intrigued to try the virgin version. A lovely warm, smooth coconut taste and another rum we would prefer to drink um-mixed.

We also sampled some Cashew Wine which was, shall we say, unusual, and some of the Don Omario Vintage rum that is restricted to a hundred case production a year and said to be a principle ingredient in the rum punch enjoyed by Prince Harry on his 2012 tour to Belize.

Back outside in the RumFest arena, Admiral Vernon's Old J, based on the original Sailor Jerry, was brought to our attention by the Surrey Roller Girls who were zipping amongst the crowd on roller skates.

Rhum Saint Barth stood out with their Blanc Cool, Ambré Chic and Hors d’Age Authentique collection. The Cool has light tones and fares well as a drink alone but would suit best in a good quality cocktail, while the Chic has become a personal favourite, perfectly marketed to include the female drinker. You simply have to appreciate the age and respect the maturity of the Authentique - it is definitely worth investing in a bottle for special occasions. A magnificent stand alone rum of exceptional quality.

Spirit Cartel also deserve a mention, if for no other reason than the big poster of Ron Jeremy proudly displayed at the stand. Aside from the obvious interest in the Ron de Jeremy, Drinksmith founder James York Pryce introduced us to a few tasty flavours that are well worth a closer look at.

As ever, we were pleased to see Wenlock Spring keeping everyone hydrated with plenty of water dispensers and bottles to hand.

The party atmosphere reached a crescendo just as last orders were called and a definite disappointment swept around the hall but the revellers left without incident to carry on their party while the cleaning crew were faced with a massive clean-up ready for a repeat performance the next day.

It would have been nice to see a bit more respect from the visitors for the clean-up crew and a few more bins provided for the mass of litter strewn across the floor but that is party lifestyle, and at RumFest you most certainly will party!

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