
The Missing Link - Allergy UK

Hay fever sufferers are being unnecessarily put at risk of developing asthma - warn Allergy UK - in their latest report ‘The Missing Link’ which has been released to coincide with National Allergy Week (11th - 17th April 2011).

Eating Within The Limits Of Our Planet

So, you try to do the right thing by the environment – you recycle, use cotton bags, turn off lights when not in the room – why do you have to change what you eat too?

Rapture Hair Extensions at Gina Conway

Are you bored with your short lifeless hair? Are you considering having hair extensions but unsure where to go? Well help is at hand - we hear first hand from Amanda Sesel, who shares her experience of having hair extensions fitted on a visit to Gina Conway's Salon.

Remember Your Mum This Mother's Day

With all the rushing around and the economy collapsing at our feet is it any wonder that we forget some of the more important days - especially when they get moved around every year? Mother's Day in the UK is celebrated on the fourth Sunday in the month of Lent but since the Lent days are not fixed, Mothers Day changes every year.

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