WorldbeerathoN 2012 ABC

WorldbeerathoN 2012 ABC

Beer is the most popular alcoholic beverage and the third most popular drink in the world overall, with cider also extremely popular worldwide.

Ales Beers and Ciders (A.B.C.) aren't just popular, they're also fun but with so much to choose from, they are also really confusing!

After all, according to the Oxford Bottled Beer database, there are over 3,100 different bottled beers in the world and also around 1,900 bottled ciders available.

Even in the UK there are over 500 different bottled ales and over 230 bottled ciders, so how on earth are you supposed to know what you like.

Yes it’s difficult, but WorldbeerathoN is here to help.

They are going to help guide you through the arena of ales, the warren of world beers and the confusion of ciders.

What's more is that they are going to make it simple and fun, so enjoy!

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Premium Bottled Ales, World Beers & Classic Ciders

Premium Bottled Ales, World Beers & Classic Ciders are sold all over the UK in your local supermarkets, corner stores and pubs and with great choice and diversity just how do you decide what's your favourite?

With a variety of choices including regional or local, national vs international, maybe a light, or dark and even the choice of a hoppy, malty, aerated, flat, appley or …?

The choices go on but do not fear - WorldbeerathoN 2012 is here to make the choices clear!

Visit and simply read through their pages - or pop along to one of their unique in-store Sampling Events at Tesco Extras across the South and Midlands - and they will help you decide!

You can also find them on Facebook or follow them on Twitter.

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  • Phone: +44 (0) 1342 892 588
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